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DBT Workshop for Families

Stop Walking on Eggshells!

12-week workshop starts Thursday, May 5. Now open for registration.

Thursdays, MAY 5 to JULY 21, 2022

8 p.m. Eastern Time | 7 p.m. Central Time

6 p.m. Mountain Time | 5 p.m. Pacific Time

Are you tired of being blamed for someone else's problems? Are you burned out from trying to help a loved one with seemingly unending drama and emotional crises?

This workshop offers the wisdom and skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy to help family members understand the symptoms of borderline personality disorder, transform their anger and exhaustion into empathy and hope, and to respond more effectively to a loved-one with BPD symptoms.

If your loved-one tends to be emotionally sensitive and pessimistic or emotionally volatile and irritated, or frequently jumping from one state to to the other, then you may need support in staying centered and grounded and responding in a helpful and understanding way that does not escalate or reinforce the problem. (This is not always the most intuitive way to respond. Friends, family, and even therapists who are not trained in DBT may give advice that is counterproductive.)

Many people gain a new perspective into human behavior and communication and see changes in their relationship with their loved ones after just a few weeks in this program.

You will learn through lectures, experiential practice, and seminars:

  • The Bio-Social Theory of BPD

  • What is Emotional Dysregulation and Impulsive Behavior

  • The Power of Presence and Acceptance

  • The Function and Construction of Emotions

  • Validation, Validation, and More Validation

  • How to Influence Behavioral Change

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness and Communication Skills

  • Self-Care and Personal Limits

  • How to Deal with Risky Behaviors

  • Ending Black and White Thinking

There is a lot to learn! Each person will have detailed feedback on their practice and homework exercises as well as the opportunity to get to know others who are living through situations that may be similar to yours. You are not alone. Also, graduates of the workshop will have the opportunity to access ongoing support.

Registration is limited to 25 participants. The workshop consists of 12 classes on Thursday evenings. The entire workshop is offered for $429 per person ($35 per 2.5 hour class.)

Corrine Stoewsand, Ph.D. is trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, an evidence-based treatment for borderline personality disorder. There is a wealth of research showing its effectiveness in treating borderline personality disorder and other mental health conditions. Corrine has taught DBT skills to families and therapists throughout Latin America for 15 years. She has helped thousands of family members reduce their own stress and burnout, improve difficult relationships, and sometimes even get their loved ones into the therapy that they need. Her book, Genuine Validation, was published in 2019.

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